Transaction – OMJJ
Menu path – IMG > Material Management > Inventory Management > Movement types > Copy, Change Movement types
To copy a movement type, select the field “Movement type” from the popup and choose Continue.
The dialog box Define work area appears.
In the dialog box “Define work area”, enter the movement type you want to copy in the “From:” field.
In the “To:” field, enter the name of the new movement type you want to create (the new MvT should either beginning with 9 or Z).
On “Change view movement type: overview” screen, select movement type to copy and click on “Copy as…” icon (F6):
Give the name and press “Enter” key:
Click on “Copy All” when a pop up window appears which says “the entry to be copied has dependant entries” and you should be able to see an information message after successful copy.
Check all views for the new movement type and, if necessary, change the control indicators. Please note that some views have a detail screen:
- Short texts – here you can maintain transaction short text for different languages.
- Allowed transactions – a list of transactions can be maintained which are allowed to post this movement type.
- Help texts – this text will be visible to the user when he presses F1 for help. It can be maintained in different languages.
- Field Selection – Over here required and optional entry fields can be maintained. The fields are grouped into logical groups like Account Assignment, Material Management etc. Based on the group, a desired field can be selected. This field can then be suppressed, made a required entry or an optional entry based on the radio button selection.
- Update Control – This is applicable is Warehouse Management is active. The settings in this tab provide the reference movement type for Warehouse Management.
- Account Grouping – In this screen you can maintain the account modification keys. The account modification key is to differentiate account determination for the goods movement. The values of this key are SAP predefined and cannot be changed (T030).
- Reversal / follow on movement – Over here you can maintain the movement type for reversal movement. By Indicator type of posting in this screen, the system decides whether the quantity adopted from the reference document (which is getting reversed based on this movement type) may be changed or not.
- Reason for movement – Over here you can define which reasons are allowed while posting the mentioned movement type. This field is usually used to differentiate the different scenarios (for reporting purpose) in which the said movement type can be used. The movement type configuration for Field Selection can be used to determine if this is a mandatory or an optional field while posting the document.
- Deactivate QM inspection – By this setting you can configure the instances when this movement type is used and Quality Management is not active. As a result no inspection lots will be created for an inspection process.
- LIS statistics group – Over here different statistic groups can be maintained for different possibilities of this movement type.