This tutorial which is part of our SAP MM course talks about SAP Purchasing Info Record in Materials Management. You will learn about purchasing info records in SAP MM,
their functions, and how to create a new info record in SAP. We will
mention the SAP transactions that are related to this process.
SAP purchasing info record is an important source of information
related to a buyer. When users are creating purchasing documents, the
data from SAP purchasing info record is transferred to the purchasing
document as default values.
SAP purchasing info record is considered to be part of SAP MM master
data and is used to record purchasing information with the vendor for
certain materials. In this master data, we store information about last
purchasing price, planned delivery time, reminder for invoice
verification, vendor material number, etc. Usually, the SAP system is
configured to maintain SAP purchasing info record automatically when new
purchase orders or contracts are created.
It is also possible to store texts in SAP purchasing info records. There are different types of texts:
Internal Text: This information is maintained for
internal company usage and is transferred from the info record to line
items in a purchase order. As this text is for internal usage, it is not
printed on any print forms.
Purchase Order Text: The purpose of this text is to
add explanations for a line item in a purchasing document and this text
is printed on the print form (that will be sent to a vendor).
SAP purchase info record is divided into three levels:
Purchasing Organization
Purchasing Organization / Plant
The client level contains the following information:
Order Unit
Administration Data
Info Record Memo
The purchasing organization level contains the following information:
Prices and conditions, e.g. discounts, freight, custom duty, etc.
Purchase order text and other texts
Delivery time
Minimum quantity
The purchasing organization / plant level contains the following information:
Prices and conditions, e.g. discounts, freight, custom duty, etc.
Purchase order text and other texts
Delivery time
Minimum quantity
The information maintained at the purchasing organization / plant
level will take a priority over the information maintained at the
purchasing organization level.
In addition, by selecting Info Category you can
determine for which procurement process an info record will be
maintained. For example, you can choose the following options: Standard,
Subcontracting, Consignment or Pipeline.
SAP purchasing info record can be created manually as well
automatically. In this tutorial, we will show how to create an info
record manually. To create a new SAP purchase info record manually, you
should use the transaction ME11. To configure SAP system for automatic creation of info records, you should turn on Info Update Indicator checkbox when you maintain a quotation, purchase order, contract or scheduling agreement documents.
How to Create SAP Purchasing Info Record?
Let’s create SAP purchasing info record manually. To do it, please start the transaction ME11.
Start ME11 Transaction
On the initial screen of ME11 transaction, it is necessary to enter Vendor, Material, Purchasing Organization and make sure that the Standard info category is selected. Next, press Enter button on the keyboard.
Create SAP Purchasing Info Record – Initial Screen
The system will show you the next screen of ME11 transaction. In this screen, you should provide all the necessary data and hit Enter button on the keyboard. On the screenshot below you can see some sample data for this screen.
The Client Level View of SAP Info Record
The SAP system will open a new screen of the transaction where you
need to enter data related to a purchasing organization. Enter all the
relevant information and press Enter button on the keyboard. On the screenshot below you can see some sample data for this screen.
The Purchasing Organization Level View of SAP Info Record
If Purchase Order Text is required in purchase order for this vendor
and material, then you should provide the text in the next screen.
Texts in SAP Purchasing Info Record
Finally you should click on Save button to create the purchasing info record.
Save Button
The SAP system will generate a message that a purchasing info record was successfully created for a company code.
A New SAP Purchasing Info Record has been Created
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This tutorial is part of our SAP MM course and it talks about SAP Goods Receipt for Stock Material.
We will discuss the business background of goods receipt process and
explain how it is implemented in SAP ERP. You will learn how to perform
SAP goods receipt of stock material without a reference to a purchase
SAP goods receipt lies at the sixth phase of the procurement cycle as depicted in the following figure.
SAP Goods Receipt in the Procurement Cycle
The good receipt is a type of goods movement that leads to an
inventory change. It results in an increased stock of material(s).
However, there is an exception for consumable materials that will be
consumed without being put in stock. Let us discuss SAP goods receipt
for stock material.
SAP Stock Material
SAP stock material can be defined as:
A material with a value-based inventory management (tracked in an inventory)
A material purchased for a specific stock account where its
quantity, value, and consumption will be updated in its SAP material
master record.
SAP stock material always has a material master record
linked to a specific material type (e.g., finished goods, raw
materials, semi-finished goods, etc.). The material type controls if
inventory management for that material is to occur on a value basis.
When creating a master record of a material, and therefore, entering
information about it, accounting data needs to be specified, among which
is the material valuation class. This class instructs SAP to which G/L
account in SAP FI module
the value of the material should be posted. The valuation class
controls posting of the material value into a stock account in the
course of SAP goods receipt process while the SAP system updates the
material value and quantity in the material master record.
Inventory management for a material also uses the concept of a
stock type. SAP stock type is used for differentiating between different
types of stocks in inventory management. For example, we have the
following standard SAP stock types:
Unrestricted-use stock
Quality inspection stock
Blocked stock
SAP Goods Receipt for Stock Material
Let us assume that a vendor has completely delivered a material R-B209 used by an organization without a purchase order.
SAP Goods Receipt without a Reference to SAP Purchase Order
SAP goods receipt for either consumable or stock material can be
performed with or without a reference to SAP purchase order. When
creating SAP goods receipt with a reference to SAP purchase order, the
purchase order information is copied to the MIGO transaction and some verification and amendment can be made before saving that operation in SAP.
However, there are occasions where a vendor can deliver a
material with an unknown purchase order because the supplier sent a
document without it and no purchase order related to the vendor delivery
can be found in SAP. Several reasons can lead to such scenarios (e.g., a
delay in entering the purchase order in SAP) and companies need to know
how to manage such situations.
For companies facing these circumstances, they either need to reject
receipt of these materials or accept them. In the case of acceptance,
SAP is proposing a specific movement type to handle such a situation.
Let us show you how to create a goods receipt with an unknown purchase
order number.
Please consider that the numbers that will be mentioned below (for
example purchase requisition, purchase order etc.) are just for
illustrative purpose. Learners are most likely to have different numbers
according to their SAP configuration.
SAP Stock Overview
Before capturing the good receipt of the stock material R-B209
without a reference to the purchase order, let us first have a look on
that item’s stock overview. The stock overview gives us information
about the current quantities of this material available at the
warehouse. The transaction code to see the stock overview is MMBE.
SAP Stock Overview Transaction Code
The first screen of MMBE transaction will require you to enter the following information:
Material: R-B209
Plant: 1100
SAP Stock Overview (Transaction MMBE)
Then, you should click on button
to start the report. The next screen will provide the organizational
levels of the stock overview and will list the different stock types. If
we pay attention to the stock type columns on the right, we will see 10
pieces of the material in unrestricted use and 20 pieces in on-order
Stock Overview Basic List
SAP Goods Receipt Posting
To capture SAP goods receipt of the stock material R-B209, we will start the transaction MIGO using the following path:
Logistics > Materials Management
> Inventory Management > Goods Movement > Goods Receipt >
For Purchase order > PO Number Unknown
Path to SAP Goods Receipt Transaction for Unknown Purchase Order (PO) Number
On the initial screen of MIGO transaction, make sure you select Goods Receipt in the transaction/event drop-down field and Other in the reference document drop-down field on the upper part of the screen.
Transaction/Event Drop-down Field
Reference Document Drop-down Field
Also, enter the following details:
Document date: today date
Posting date: today date
Delivery note: *
The delivery note is a mandatory field. It is an external reference
field for delivery note that has to be filled. ‘*’ is just a placeholder
if we don’t have any delivery note number.
Next, proceed with the item details tabs:
Click on the Material tab and under material, type R-B209.
Material Tab in MIGO
Then, click on the Quantity tab and update it with 30 followed by PC (unit of measure).
Quantity Tab in MIGO
On the Where tab, enter:
Plan: 1100
Storage Location: 0001
Where Tab in MIGO
After pressing Enter button on your keyboard, you will have the following screen:
SAP Goods Receipt of a Stock Material without a Purchase Order
On the Where tab, the movement type is 501. This
number is the standard movement type SAP system is proposing for goods
receipt without a purchase order.
501 Movement Type
The movement type is an essential parameter for account determination
in SAP. It automatically determines the account that is used for
value-based stock posting.
Here, we also have the stock type field, which is unrestricted
stock use by default. We will leave it unchanged even though it is not
appropriate in the case of goods receipt with unknown purchase order
number. Now, let us save the document by pressing Save button.
SAP Goods Receipt Material Document Number
In order to confirm posting of our goods receipt, select Display in the Transaction/Event drop-down and Material Document
in the reference document field. The system should provide the material
document number automatically. If not, enter the number 4900004403 and
press on button. The SAP system will display the following screen:
SAP Material Document Display
In the displayed screen, on the Where tab of the item details, we can use stock overview button to see the updated level of stock of our material.
Updated Stock Overview
Under the column with unrestricted use stock type, we can see that the received 30 pieces of the material R-B209 have added themselves to the previous 10 pieces we saw on the first stock overview above. This illustrates how inventory management for a stock material is functioning in SAP.
This tutorial which is part of our SAP MM course talks about SAP Purchase Requisition. You will learn what is a purchase requisition in SAP, what role does in play in procurement processes, and how to create it.
SAP Purchase Requisition is a document created by SAP ERP during the
requirement determination phase. To understand the meaning and the use
of SAP Purchase Requisition, it is essential to understand the Procure to Pay business process and SAP ERP Materials Management functionality.
Companies acquire goods and/or services in order to meet their needs
by purchasing them. These purchases are happening in a series of
activities named Purchase to Pay business process.
SAP has introduced SAP ERP software
that is assisting companies in managing their daily work including the
Purchase to Pay process. SAP has therefore designed functionality to
cover this entire Purchase to Pay process and called it Materials Management.
The Purchase to Pay process in Materials Management is based around a
general cycle of actions called the procurement cycle, which comprises a
series of eight steps known as:
Determination of Requirement
Determination of Supplier Source
Vendor Selection
Purchase Order Processing
Purchase Order Monitoring
Goods Receipt
Invoice Verification
Payment processing
The Determination of Requirement is the first phase of the
procurement cycle and the phase where SAP generates a document called SAP Purchase Requisition.
SAP Purchase Requisition – Introduction
As depicted on the figure below, the determination of requirement
step starts the procurement cycle. It is a step at which users or
departments determine materials requirements manually or automatically
using materials planning and control. SAP Purchase Requisition can be
defined as a procedural method by which users or departments can request
the purchase of goods or services, and it will contain information such
as the material or service to be procured, a required date of delivery,
and a quantity. SAP Purchase Requisition is either manually created
(directly created) or automatically created (indirectly created).
Purchase to Pay Process in Materials Management
Create SAP Purchase Requisition Manually
This part describes the steps how a requisitioner will generate SAP purchase requisition by manually creating it.
In order to do that, one can type the transaction code ME51N in command field.
Enter ME51N Transaction
Alternatively, one can navigate to the following SAP menu path:
Then if not open already, one should press the button
to display the items area of SAP purchase requisition as depicted in
the next screenshot. Some fields that are not visible can be viewed if
the horizontal scrolling bar is scrolled at the right side.
Create SAP Purchase Requisition Screen
A purchase requisition can be created with a material master record or without it.
Created SAP Purchase Requisition with a Material Master Record
SAP business processes use master data on a long-term basis.
Centrally created, all applications and authorized users can utilize it.
It is therefore a common way to purchase a product or service that
already has a material master record.
SAP purchase requisition for a material having a material master
record will require a requisitioner to enter the following information:
The material number of item or service (e.g., R-B209)
The quantity to be procured (e.g., 20)
Date of delivery of the material (e.g., today date + 3 days)
Plant location of the delivery (e.g., 1100)
Moreover, after entering the above information and pressing on Enter button, the requisition process will fill up by default the information into some of the blank fields.
Use of the Material Master Record to Create SAP Purchase Requisition
Let us explore some of the information requested by the purchase
requisition screen. We will not explain all of them but I am inviting
you to use the F1 and F4 button to learn more about each field you want to know. The important fields are:
The purchase requisition number
that is an attribute of a configured document type. A document type
defines the internal and external number ranges that are used for SAP
purchasing requisitions. There are two documents types delivered by the
standard SAP system named NB and TB. NB is a standard purchase
The source determination that can be selected if there is a need for the system to carry out an automatic source selection.
The account assignment category, which determines
what type of accounting assignment data is required for purchase
requisition. It can be a cost center, a cost object, a general ledger
account, and an asset
The plan and storage location that are entered whether the location where the materials are to be shipped to is known.
Created SAP Purchase Requisition without a Material Master Record
This kind of requisition is created the same way as the requisition
with a master record. However, as there is no material master record for
the good or service the following information will have to be entered:
Account assignment category (e.g., U)
Short text for description (e.g., Laptop Lenovo with an i3 processor)
Quantity to be Supplied (e.g., 3)
The unit of measure (e.g., PC)
The delivery date (e.g., today date + 3)
Material group (e.g., 0020010)
The plan (e.g., 1100)
The purchasing group (e.g., 001)
In this case, it is essential to enter an account assignment category
to direct the cost to a specific account. We will be using U, which will direct the requisition to an unknown account. There are also other options:
A for Asset and sub number
F for production order number
K for cost center and general ledger account number
C for sales order and general ledger account number
P for project number and general ledger account number
After pressing Enter button, an error message in the form of a red mark on the item line (in the column Status) will appear.
Error Icon
On the SAP status bar, an error message will be asking you to enter a valuation price under the valuation tab.
Error Message
The valuation tab is appearing in a form under the following Item button.
Item Button
It is important to notice that during the creation of SAP purchase
requisition with a material master record a similar form was appearing
and it was listing the item master record information on various tabs.
In this case, there is no valuation price.
Create SAP Purchase Requisition without a Material Master Record
Enter the following information and press Enter button:
Valuation price (e.g., 1000)
The error message will disappear and the purchase requisition process will ready for the next step.
Enter the Valuation Price in the Valuation Tab
Creation of SAP purchase requisition is finished by clicking on the save button
to save the requisition in SAP database and to receive the purchase
requisition number that will be displayed on the SAP Easy Access status
bar. This action is the same for the two types (with and without
material master record) of manually created SAP purchase requisition
that we discussed.
SAP Purchase Requisition Number
Create SAP Purchase Requisition Automatically
SAP purchase requisition is created automatically when it is generated by other SAP processes that include:
Production Order
Plan Maintenance Order
Project System
Material Planning
Let us briefly describe how SAP purchase requisition will be created in each of these processes.
Production Order
SAP routing and the bill of materials (BOM) are determining how the
production order is working. SAP routing is a sequence of the operation
that take place and the bill of materials (BOM) is the recipe leading to
the production of the final material. In the routing, an operation may
need a material to be sent out for external processing service and the
bill of materials may call for a material that is a non-stock item. For
both cases, SAP purchase requisition will be created.
Plan Maintenance Order
Maintenance order is created for plant maintenance
operations on equipment at the plant. A maintenance order has a list of
operations that has to be performed. The operations give the
maintenance user a systematic list of what need to be done and the
materials needed for each step. In the operation, they may be a need for
a non-stock material and the maintenance order may need an external
operation. For both cases, SAP purchase requisition will be created.
Project System
In SAP project system, the network is an object consisting of a set
of instructions that tell the project users what tasks need to be
performed, in what order, and by what date. A network will create SAP
purchase requisition(s) for non-stock materials and external services,
if it is configured to allow creation of SAP purchase requisition as
soon as it has been released.
Materials Planning
The consumption-based planning module can create SAP purchase requisition based on its calculations.
SAP Purchase Requisition Transactions
SAP purchase requisition can be changed, displayed, closed or
followed on by a function. The transaction codes allowing this
processing are:
ME52N to change the purchase requisition
ME54N to display a purchase requisition
ME5A to display a list of purchase requisition following specific criterias
MELB to display a selected purchase requisition based on its tracking number.
ME52N to select an item line you wish to close in
the purchase requisition form. This operation is executed as follows:
Select the item line, then click on Edit on the menu bar, then on Delete.
ME56 to allow a selected range of purchase requisitions to have a source assigned which is a follow-on function.
SAP Purchase Requisition allows organizations to fulfill the following business processes:
Identify where goods and/or services are needed
Explore vendors discount and favorable terms offered by them
Create the best purchase order for each vendor
Without it, end users would be responsible for purchasing decision which can it turn lead a company to non-optimal procurement.
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Purchase requisition creation can be done in t-code ME51N (or the older version ME51 – not recommended) and is a straight forward process.
1. Execute ME51N transaction. 2. Purchase requisition document type: NB – standard. 3. Source determination: ON or OFF. 4. Header note. 5. Material: material number. 6. Quantity and UoM. 7. Storage location: in which the material is stored. 8. Vendor: automatically determined by using source determination – field number 3.
9. Tracking number: covered in previous topics, a desired value can be entered manually.
10. Valuation price:copied
from material master data if maintained there, if not must be entered
manually (if this field is not set as optional).After entering the
desired information in the fields, we can save transaction data.
Vendor selection is an important process in procurement cycle. Once
requirements are gathered we will look for possible suppliers who can
fulfill the requirements at the best possible price. So a request is
made to vendors to submit their quotations indicating the price of
material along with their terms and conditions. This request is known as
request for quotation. The key points about request for quotation are
as follows:
Request for quotation is a form of invitation that is sent to
vendors to submit quotation indicating pricing and their terms and
RFQ contains details about goods or services, quantity, date of delivery and date of bid on which it is to be submitted.
Quotation is a reply by a vendor in response to request for quotation.
RFQ can be created by following two ways:
Automatically from Purchase Requisition
Manual Creation of RFQ
RFQ can be created manually by following the below steps:
Path to create RFQ: Logistics => Materials Management => Purchasing => RFQ/Quotation => Request for Quotation => Create TCode: ME41
On SAP Menu screen select Create execute icon by following the above step.
Fill in all required details like type of RFQ (if standard then AN), language, date of RFQ, purchasing organization and group.
Provide the name of material, quantity of material, material group and quotation deadline date.
Provide the quantity and delivery date for the material.
Provide the vendor address (street number, city, country, pin code)
to which you are addressing the RFQ. Click on save. A new Request for
Quotation will be created.
Automatic Creation of RFQ from Purchase Requisition
RFQ can also be created with reference to purchase requisition by following the below steps:
On the home screen of RFQ select Reference to PReq tab.
Enter the requisition number for which you want to create RFQ. Click
on save. A new Request for Quotation will be created with reference to
Purchase Requisition.
Purchase info records are information
about terms for purchasing a specific material from a vendor. They are
maintained at vendor/material combination and can contain data for
pricing and conditions, overdelivering and underdelivering limits,
planned delivery date, availability period.
Procurement types in info record
standard info record contains information for standard purchase orders.
The info records can be created for materials and services with and
without master records.
A subcontractor
info record contains ordering information for subcontract orders. For
example, if you subcontract the assembly of a component, the
subcontractor info record would include the vendor's (subcontractor's)
price for assembling the component.
pipeline info record contains information on a vendors commodity that is
supplied through a pipeline or pipes (for example, oil or water) or by
similar means (for example, electricity through the mains). The info
record contains the vendor's price for the use of such commodities by
the buyer ("pipeline withdrawals"). You can keep withdrawal/usage prices
for different validity periods.
consignment info record contains information on a material that vendors
keep available at their own cost on the orderers premises. The info
record contains the vendor's price for withdrawals by the orderer from
consignment stock. As in the case of the pipeline info record, you can
keep prices for different validity periods.
How to create a Purchase Info Record
Purchase info records can be created for every type of procurement, and are processed using the transaction code ME11. Step 1)
Enter transaction ME11 in command prompt.
Key for creating the info record is Vendor/Material combination. You can enter purchasing organization and/or Plant.
You have to choose an info category for desired procurement type. Press ENTER to proceed to the next screen.
Step 2) Here you give information on Info Record General Data.This
information is maintained for all procurement types (maintained only
once for all: Standard, Subcontracting, Pipeline, Consignment), and
there are the most relevant fields:
Reminder 1, 2, 3:
These three fields indicate remainders to be issued to vendor. Negative
value indicates that the vendor should be prior to quotation or
delivery date.
Vendor mat. No: Material number that is used by the vendor for this material.
Vendor material group: material group used by the vendor for this material.
Sales person: Name od the contact person.
Telephone: phone number of contact person or vendor
Return agreement: this can indicate if goods return is available, and if there are refunds available.
Order unit: unit in which this material is ordered by vendor.
Certificate category: type of certificate issued by the vendor that applies to this material.
Country of origin: country in which this material is produced.
After entering all the desired data, we can click the button Purch.
Org. Data 1 to be transferred to the screen for entering Purchase
Organization dependent information.
Step 3)
This view is maintained separately for every procurement type. We have
chosen Standard procurement type, and we can populate several relevant
fields here.
Planned delivery time: default time in days in which the material delivery is planned.
Purchasing group: purchasing group mentioned in material master lessons.
Standard quantity: standard purchase quantity for material.
Minimum quantity: do not allow procurement of a quantity less than stated here.
Maximum quantity: we do not want to purchase more than this quantity at a time.
Net price: net price of material per procurement unit.
Incoterms: trading and delivery terms.
Step 4) Press the Conditions button.
The next screen is used for maintaining pricing conditions and as you
can see, price that was entered on the previous screen was transferred
to this screen.
Condition type: you can enter a condition type in this field.
Amount per unit:
in these 4 fields you can enter an amount and amount unit (for example
2.800 EUR) and quantity for which this amount is valid (1 PAL).
Valid from.
Valid to.
Fields 3 and 4 represent a validity period for condition(s). It means
that this condition is valid from 10.05.2013. until 31.12.9999.
(infinite future validity).
Step 5) Standard texts for this material/vendor combination can be defined in Texts view of the purchase info record.
You can enter the info record note in these five lines, and it will be
active only if a check box for info record note is ticked.
Same logic as previous except that this is a standard item text that will be copied to purchase order item.
Once you have entered all the desired information about our
material/vendor combination you can save the transaction data and will
be presented with information about the purchase info record number
assigned to our info record. We can use it for future reference to edit
or display our record.
Now we can set up the other three procurement type info records, which
you need to maintain only in the Purchase Organization data 1 screen.